Confession time. So, a while back (read: 2015) I discussed/bragged about how I don’t watch television, except for Downton Abbey (which has sadly ended). Since then, there have been the occasional shows that I have watched, including 13 Reasons Why (why did I ever decide to put myself through that?) and Stranger Things (thanks to Joe). Otherwise I have been fairly consistent with not watching television, unless it’s in a social situation.

However, I do this thing that I hate but can’t seem to stop. I go on YouTube and will spend an embarrassing amount of time clicking through videos. This wouldn’t bother me so much if I actually enjoyed or found the videos valuable, but I end up more frustrated and uninspired than when I started. More than half the time I don’t even watch to the end.
Does anyone else have this problem with YouTube? Maybe I just haven’t found the right channels or maybe what is discussed on that platform really isn’t my cup of tea. If anyone has ANY recommendations (or tips on how to stop wasting time on YouTube) I would really appreciate it.
Anyway, hope is not completely lost because there are some YouTube videos that I do enjoy 😉 I’m going to share with you the top videos that have emerged as winners after hours (and hours) of watching YouTube.
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