Last week I mentioned that I had been thinking about comfort zones and how I am about to leave mine in a big way – graduating college. Today we’re going to discuss why your comfort zone is compelling, what happens when we leave the zone, why (despite that) we need to leave it, and, most importantly, how to do it. Note: if you want a pretty cool desktop background to remind you to leave your comfort zone, designed by yours truly, take a look at this post.
Why do we like comfort zones so dang much?

What happens when we leave the zone?
With all of these scary outcomes it is no wonder that we want to desperately stay where we are comfortable. When we do leave we experience anxiousness, uncertainty, and thoughts that we may be worse off than when we started.
Why do we need to get the heck out anyway?
Can you call to mind any time when you felt incredibly accomplished and there wasn’t some discomfort leading up to it?
When you won that competition, did you enter it completely at ease and unworried? Nope, didn’t think so.
And how about when you asked that person out and they said yes and you were on top of the world? Yeah, I’m guessing your palms were sweating and you were just about ready to sink into the ground before hearing their answer.
And maybe it worked out better than you imagined, or maybe it didn’t. But doubtless you learned something from the experience, developed more, and are now even better equipped to move forward. If you don’t take chances or put yourself in situations where you are challenged you can never hope to progress.
As you can see via this scientific graphic I have created for you, stars are not born in your comfort zone. Instead, you must venture out of the circle to go to the challenging, magical growth area. This is where the grand failures and successes happen. This is where the excitement is. This is where you find out that you are a lot tougher than you thought and that you want more out of life than you had even know was possible.
Takeaway: growth will NEVER happen in our comfort zones
How do I get to the challenging, magical growth area? Please take me there.
- Say yes to things that you want to say no to. Ok, this is the type of advice that requires a lot of discretion and should not be taken 100% literally. Don’t say yes to dangerous situations or bad people. Don’t say yes to pressure or expectations that don’t align with your values. DO say yes to trying a new food and participating in a new activity. DO say yes to taking on a challenge that scares you or a class that is outside of your area of expertise.
- Focus on one area at a time. It’s nerve wrecking to get out there, never mind trying to push yourself 24/7. Instead of looking at every part of your life and thinking that you need to be trying something different, pick a few key areas. If you have become complacent and content in your friendships, suggest going to a new activity or bringing up topics of conversation that require vulnerability. If you want to push yourself more in your career, commit to seeking out a project that challenges you at least once a month. As you become more bold in a certain respect, you will be able to translate that to other elements of your life.
- Realize that it will be uncomfortable, and you will face setbacks, but that it is essential for your development. Leaving your comfort zone will be uncomfortable. You may be embarrassed, thrown off, and want to run away again. However, if you keep the perspective that hurdles are inevitable, you’ll be prepared and ready to give it another try.
Takeaway: it’s going to be hard, but it’s worth it
How do you feel about comfort zones? Are you stuck in yours? How do you move boldly forward in the face of fear?
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