If you use Google Chrome as your internet browser you may be familiar with the most visited sites that appear on your screen. Mine include my school homepage (productive), Google (duh), Google Drive (essential), Amazon (well, you know…), and Bloglovin‘. I adore blogs, and blogging, and bloggers, and the entire online community dedicated to sharing information and inspiration. Today I wanted to tell you about my must read blogs. Even though my blogroll is very short (check out this post about how to clean yours out) I have a few favorites that you’re going to want to take a look at.

The College Prepster
Carly’s blog is where I first learned what in the world a blog was so many years ago. I must have been searching for something like “preppy outfits,” back when I thought that being preppy was the ultimate look, and have been a loyal, daily reader ever since. She covers a range of topics and the word “college” in the title shouldn’t deceive you, this blog is great for every age.
Hope Engaged
The Golden Girl Blog
Keep Calm and Chiffon
Count of how many times I used the word “blog” or a variant in this post: 19…a bit obscene but I love this topic so much!
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