I’ve got this thing about saving money. Or if I am going to go all out and spend, you better bet it’ll be one heck of an experience. But what happens when you have to make a purchase and want to minimize its impact on your bank account? Here are 3 ways to save money the next time you face the inevitable need.

01. Discount gift cards
Once you find a pair of jeans that you like and that look good on you, it is pretty much a given that you will go back to them again and again. For me the pair I fell in love with are from Madewell and are on the pricey side. After looking to see if I could find them from the discount site The Outnet (alas, they were not there), I bought discount gift cards.
If you’re not familiar with discount gift cards, get ready to have your mind blown. You know when you get a gift card for Christmas to a store you’ll never go to? Instead of regifting it, you can sell it at a slight discount to a site like Gift Card Granny. Then, the site will sell your gift card to someone else for less than its face value. For example, you can get a $50 Madewell gift card for $47.75, a 4% discount. That doesn’t seem like much (and for other stores it’s far more), but when you combine it with sale items like I was able to do the dollars start to add up.
I was able to get a $128 pair of jeans for $65 by using discounted gift cards and a current sale. How can you go wrong!?!? Discounted gift cards are especially great for the movies too.
02. Always search for coupons
03. Buy second hand
I LOVE consignment shopping. I especially love consignment shopping in wealthy areas. If you are in the area, you must check out Greene Street (locations in Jersey and PA). I cannot express enough how much I love consignment shopping and highly encourage you to check out this extensive post on the topic.
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