YESTERDAY WAS MY BIRTHDAY!!! AHH!! I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling 22…
21 was exciting (not for the drinking aspect, but just because it felt very adult to be able to go wherever I please), and 22 feels like I am really IN my 20s now. Granted, I still can’t rent a car without being charged an additional fee since I’m not 25, which is just ridiculous, but I digress.
For the past two years I’ve done a list of 5 lessons I’ve learned, and I’ve realized that they are just as applicable today as when I wrote them. What words of wisdom young Alyssa had that you should take a look at from 20 and 21. Now this year I have 5 more lessons to share as a sage at 22 years old 😉

01. Growth comes from discomfort
02. You never know how much you’ll love something until you try
03. If you want to have friends, keep money, religious, and political topics to a minimum
04. Once again, experiences always trump physical things
If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a million times: I believe in spending money on experiences over things. Just taking a look over my 2016 year end recap you can see that everything that comes up is an experience; you never hear mention of physical items. As I’ve gotten older it is something I’ve realized will always hold true, and it is a reminder that I am working towards gaining more and more experiences. By prioritizing spending money on events you can gain more enjoyment from your dollars and the fulfillment you feel will last for many years with the memories you create.
05. Most situations will work out, so worrying is useless
Because I like to be in control it is often challenging for me when I face a situation I can not easily impact or solve. This causes me to worry and fret and vent to my poor mother for far too long. However, what I am learning is that most situations will not have a long term negative impact and that worrying will not solve anything. It is far better to do what you can and move on to the next problem than to dwell.
So there you have it: 5 lessons from my 22 years on this earth!
What had you learned at 22? What advice would you have for someone my age?
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