Finals are almost upon us ahhhhhhhhh! Which means it’s time to get our acts together, get ourselves out of the beautiful sunshine and into the library, and get our little noses into the books. Hopefully you have been keeping up with your school work all along and getting academic help if you need it. If you’re feeling behind or overwhelmed, it’s time to kick it in to high gear and get ready to crush your finals!

Step One: Know HOW to Study
Step Two: Know WHO to Talk to
I never was really a fan of study groups until I became part of the right ones. It pays off to be friendly with your classmates, observe who participates in class, and join forces to study. Start suggesting to others that forming a study group is a good idea and get together (ideally 3-5 people) to review material. I find it incredibly helpful to talk through concepts with others to make sure I understand it myself!
It is also a good idea to get clarification from your professor if necessary. Begin rounding up questions you have and look over my office hours etiquette guide before meeting with your professor.
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