When you think of introduction etiquette you may imagine outdated pomp and circumstance, however, introductions are still an important part of our social lives and we should be sure to take proper care. Today we’re going to discuss the must know information so you can execute an introduction flawlessly!

As always, make sure that you speak clearly and pleasantly while putting everyone at ease. The whole point of an introduction is to connect people who have an interest in knowing each other, who share commonalities, and who are important to you, so there’s no need to be nervous.
Here are the key points to remember:
- Introduce in order of importance. If you’re introducing your roommate to your father, you’d turn to your father and say “Papa, I’d like you to meet Kajal Patel.” Then you’d turn to your roommate and say “Kajal, this is my father Mr. Freitas.”
- As in the above example, you use preferred names in your introductions. My father would want my roommate to address him as Mr. Freitas so this is the title I used.
- This idea of “order of importance” extends to introducing an adult then child, a woman then man, a guest then fellow host, an elder then your peer, someone in senior rank to you then your contemporary, etc.
- When you are in a business setting your client or customer comes first then someone from your company (even if it a senior person, like the CEO. The customer always comes first, don’t ya know?).
- Share an interesting detail. If you are introducing people, chances are they are expected to exchange a few words and/or engage in a conversation. Make it easier for everyone involved and share an interesting detail or commonality they can use to begin conversing. For example, you could say “John, Mr. Robbins also is an avid golf player/musical lover/skeet shooter.” Then you can join them in their discussion or move on, resting easy in the knowledge that you helped them get started!
Pretty simple, right? Just remember these guidelines and you’ll be good to go the next time such an occasion arises.
What do you think makes a great introduction?
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