I’ve discussed ways to increase your focus and have touched on productivity before, but I’ve stumbled upon the absolute best resource which is a game changer! Sound is so important when you are trying to get things done. Some people work in silence, others listen to music, but we all know that we can get distracted easily if it’s not quite right.

In the past I would put together my own hodgepodge background noise which usually included sounds of a coffee shop and a cracking fire. But every so often a commercial would play on the YouTube video or one sound would end and I had to stop and put it back on, totally throwing me off.
I’ve found the perfect site which combines all of your favorite background noises, plus has some other really cool features: Noisli. You can add it as a Chrome extension on your browser, making it super easy to access.
Basically, there are a variety of noises (as I’ve already mentioned I love a crackling fire and coffee shop in the winter) which you can combine into favorite sets. You can adjust the volume for each individually and control the overall volume. What I love is that you can set a timer so you can see just how long you’re focusing and how much you’re getting done. When you’re working on a project try setting it for 25 minutes and evaluate how far you can get, then customize from there.
If you’re looking to get some serious writing done without any distractions, Noisli also has you covered. There’s a text editor you can use which allows you to just zone in on your writing without your attention being brought away.
This is seriously the best combination of resources to improve productivity all in one place so be sure to check it out and let me know what you think!
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