Get excited for another linkup with the lovely ladies from The Well! You can check out my other posts through the link-up here. This month’s question is How do you achieve work/life balance? This question has been on my mind quite a bit recently as I’ve struggled to strike the perfect chord between work and play. I am certainly guilty of “working” far more than I “play”, but frankly, I wonder if that is a bad thing?
We (I) tend to try and compartmentalize areas of my life. If you ever took a look at my calendar and saw all of the color coding you’d find that I attempt to categorize EVERYTHING. What I’ve begun to realize is that there is actually a lot of overlap in what we do.
I don’t believe that there can ever be a strong line drawn between any of the areas of our lives. Especially in an age where we can take our work home with us (thanks email…) there is in my mind no perfect way to achieve this “balance” we search for. For example, as I’m writing this post I’m sitting in the lobby of a hotel in Houston for a sales competition. Is drafting this post work? Well, I do have a deadline in place, but I really enjoy writing this, so is it play? Is this competition work? I have been working very hard to get here and to do well, but I’m also with friends and we’re having a fun time, so is it play? You see, there can be no clear division particularly when you enjoy everything you do.
And that’s the key I believe: enjoying what you do. If you like your work then it is not truly work. And if your play is productive, who’s to say it’s not work? The measure of this balance then is your own level of happiness. If you find that you feel like you are stressed and taking on too much, then it is time to pull back. Conversely, if you are not achieving all you want to, then it may be time to make a change and focus a bit more.
How do you feel about work/life balance?
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I work with compartments too…it really helps me focus on the present work/activity/social event without getting bogged down with all the other "to do" items.
As great as compartments are, I really look for that overlap so that I find happiness and joy in everything I do!
Well said, Alyssa! I think that making your "work" your life's passion is critical. And agreed- who's to say that "play" can't also contribute to it?! Happy to hear that you enjoy what you do so much that there is no division!
You couldn't have said it better! A work-life balance is about finding contentment in the things you do. There's no % split, and each of us have different preferences and goals!
I totally agree that balance is different per person. I know that if I owned my own business my work/life balance would be much different than my current 9-5 situation.
I think about that too…as a blogger, I spend a LOT of time on my blog, but I do have a FT job which is what I consider 'work'. So, I ask myself how I categorize blogging within my time. I'm trying to get it to the point where it'll be my job (not anytime soon, unfortunately!), so I do approach it from that mindset, but I love blogging and it's my passion, so it doesn't feel like work, lol. Therefore, I tend to probably spend too much time on it and not enough down time, so I'm trying to work on a better balance there, but I agree a lot of what we do in life is overlap, so how do we balance all of that!
Thank you Kira! Having fun with your work is a non-negotiable essential in my mind
Thank you Lindsay! It is great to be able to personalize your time with respect to your goals and the only real way to achieve this "balance" we all seek
Your time and priorities will always be evolving so it's really great to go with the flow
If you really love blogging and you don't feel like it's a chore then I would keep going full throttle! If it can be both your work and downtime simultaneously all the better! You've got this girl!
I totally agree. It can be stressful, at least for me blogging doesn't seem to feel like a job! However, to the people in my life, it looks like one, which can be the hard part. xx, Hayley
It is hard to get people to understand how much you love blogging when it just appears like a lot of work haha
I love the idea of productive play!
It is the best when you can have fun and accomplish something too!
I think you're onto something not trying to compartmentalize work and life so much. I think this, partnered with guidelines around how you use technology, and how prioritize your day, can lead to a fulfilling life all around!
Thank you Cara! I am really working hard at learning my priorities and not trying to be everything to everyone