Ok, so my birthday is at the end of January which means I haven’t been 20 for too long, but boy have I already learned a lot! I still can’t get over the fact that I’m no longer a teenager. When I went for an eye appointment today and the doctor asked how old I was, I hesitated for a good 15+ seconds. Does anyone else feel this way about the whole “adult thing” going on?

Anyway… despite it only being a few months, so much has happened and I’ve learned quite a bit. Now read on to experience my newfound wisdom!
- It’s all about connections. I am sure you have heard this before and are probably sick of it, but it’s true! As amazingly talented as you are, if you don’t network and build professional relationships you won’t get anywhere. It is essential to speak with as many people as possible about your goals and learn what they are trying to accomplish. Understanding how you can form partnerships with others so you can both benefit will serve you well.
- You are only in control of you. As a planner and manager of everything in my life, this is a difficult concept to come to terms with. I often find myself happy with what I am in control of but dissatisfied when others don’t meet my expectations or don’t behave how I would have. But here’s the truth (which my mother tells me constantly): Not everyone operates the way you do. Since turning 20 and being faced with situations that are completely out of my control, I have learned to be more accepting and forgiving with myself and others. I suppose this is something I will always be working on, but in only a few months I have gotten better!
- Your mindset is everything. Positivity and perspective can have a profound affect on your happiness. No matter what is going on in your life, you can make it better or worse by controlling you thoughts. This is of course a terribly difficult task, but using your nervous or worried energy to do something productive or choosing to be happy can make or break you. Don’t let yourself get broken.
- Friends are life. Yes your family is important, and sure relationships are great too, but in your twenties the majority of your time is spent with your friends. Make sure you are friends with people you really love and who love you, and don’t waste your time on anyone who doesn’t fit the bill. Having gone through some tough times lately, I got to see how amazing and supportive my friends are. While I certainly wish what happened didn’t, I got the indescribable gift of realizing how completely lucky I am in my friendships. Work hard to have good friends and be a good friend, and you will be rewarded.
- The only relationship you’ll be in forever is with yourself. This is an idea I’ve spent a fair amount of time contemplating recently. Now I know I just described how important friendships are, but at the end of the day the person you are always with and who can never leave is yourself. Since that is the case it is essential to be happy with who you are and able to enjoy your own company.
Since this is what I’ve learned in only a couple of months, imagine what I’ll learn in the course of a year!
What have you learned since your last birthday?
Love this! My 20's have been all about learning about myself and loving myself. It's been quite an incredible journey so far! It's crazy that when you are younger you know your age no problem and then suddenly the older you get, the harder it is to remember! I'm constantly thinking I'm the year older than I am!
xo Robin
Absolutely agree with you on this. And definitely a massive supporter of it's not what you know, it's who you know. Really amazing post. I feel ya on the adult thing. I still seem to think I'm 16 despite turning 21 this year!
Absolutely agree with you on this. And definitely a massive supporter of it's not what you know, it's who you know. Really amazing post. I feel ya on the adult thing. I still seem to think I'm 16 despite turning 21 this year!
Thank you Robin! It's funny but I'm the opposite; I always think I am a year or more younger than I actually am lol
Thank you Steph! This whole adult thing is really not working out for me but we just have to keep making it up as we go along 🙂
I can completely agree with number two, it's a daily struggle but rewarding the closer you get to realizing something are just out of your control. Also having supportive friends make all the difference I couldn't agree more. PS I nominated you for the versatile blogger award over at LookBrooke, thanks for addressing so many issues and giving so much great advice on your blog!
I concur that it is a struggle, but as long as we can continue to improve we're doing well! I saw the nomination and was so pleased, so thank you! You can expect that post to be up on the 10th.