Whether you’re spending Valentine’s Day with friends, family, or your partner it is, as always, essential to know the etiquette associated with the holiday!

Most of these tips can be applied everyday, but be particularly conscious of them on the 14th:
- Be sensitive. For many, Valentine’s Day can potentially be a sore subject. Whether someone just went through a breakup, can’t find a date, or just isn’t a fan of the holiday, be aware of who you’re talking to. Don’t brag about the romantic evening your boyfriend planned for you and generally assume that less is more when it comes to sharing. Also, don’t be negative and go on about how Valentine’s Day is just a Hallmark holiday designed to trap consumers into spending; this may be true, but it may simultaneously be true that your friend is excited to celebrate with her significant other and your comments aren’t appreciated.
- Be thoughtful. If you and your girlfriends are going to have a “Gal-entine’s Day” bring little treats for everyone, such as cards saying why you love having them as friends. Or, pay attention to what your boyfriend has been talking about lately and get him a gift that will show you care. Putting forth extra effort will be appreciated, but doesn’t need to drain your bank account.
- Leave something to the imagination. Please, please, please have some decorum when it comes to getting dressed for the big night. As tempting as it is to pull out your sexiest dress and heels, remember that it is February and cold! Plus you can always be more revealing in private.
- Be prepared. When it comes to relationships we all know that communicating is important so make sure to discuss your expectations of the day beforehand. Are you going extravagant or low key? Gifts or not? This will make it far less likely that you will end up disappointed.
- Be realistic. Going along with being prepared with your expectations, you should also be realistic. If you’ve just started seeing someone it is unlikely that he will pull out all of the stops to make this the most romantic night of your life. Likewise, you should take care not to put pressure on the person you are spending the day with or make him feel badly if there isn’t a Noah and Allie moment.
- Share the love! Valentine’s Day, for all its romance and hype, is a day for you to share love! Be appreciative of everyone in your life and make sure they know it.
Etiquette is all about consideration and regard for others; putting them at ease and having positive interactions is the name of the game. Striving to do that will ensure that you have a happy and love filled Valentine’s Day!
This post was originally published (by me!) on Her Campus TCNJ.
image source; modified by Alyssa J Freitas
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