I’ve always enjoyed reading “Day In The Life” posts on blogs (check out Carly’s here) and thought I would share my own! It’s hard to come up with a typical schedule because my life revolves around my classes, which change based on the day, so here is what my busiest day (Friday) looks like.
6:20am Wake Up
No matter what, I wake up at 6:20am. I could go to bed at 1am and still rise by 6:20am! It’s just a blessing and a curse of my body. The good thing about it is that I never have to rush in the morning. Once I wake up I lay in bed and check the weather, email, Instagram, and Twitter on my phone. I then physically rise, open the blinds, make my bed, and get dressed. Next is brushing my teeth and doing hair and makeup, packing my bag for the day, and out the door I go.
7:30am Breakfast
The dining hall doesn’t open until 7:30am which is too late for my taste (it’s even worse on the weekends when I have to wait until 10am!), but I’m waiting there patiently in line when it opens. I read the Wall Street Journal on my phone and always eat a toasted english muffin, strawberry yogurt and a banana.
8am Class
On Fridays my first class is Early History of China. Such an interesting start to the day (and I say that without sarcasm)!
9:20am Read blogs and start on the day’s to-do list
I sit in the business building lounge with my laptop and go through my Bloglovin’ feed. This is one of my favorite parts of the day! I also look at my Pinterest feed and do some blog promotion (tweeting, pinning, etc). After that I usually do school work; mostly readings.
11am Sales Competition practice
I’m traveling for two sales competitions this semester (to Georgia and Texas. I am so excited!) and have to make sure that I am well prepared, so I practice with my sales professor two times a week.
12pm Lunch
Sometimes I meet a friend for lunch and sometimes I go alone and have a working meal. Either way, it’s a nice hour and a half sort of break during the day (let’s be honest, I don’t really take breaks haha).
1:30pm-5:20pm Class
I have Professional Sales and then Operations Management. I enjoy both classes so I don’t really mind how long it is. Although I will admit I do find myself checking the clock a little too often when the end comes closer. Just five more minutes…
5:30pm Hang out with PSE people
I go back to the business building lounge to hang out with members of my chapter of Pi Sigma Epsilon (a co-ed professional development organization) before our weekly meeting.
6pm PSE meeting
During our weekly meetings we find out what events are coming up, share any exciting news from the previous week, and toss around ideas for how to continually grow and improve the chapter.
6:45pm Dinner
I meet friends for dinner. This is the first moment in the day that I actually relax!
7:30pm FUN!
Finally I get back to my room since leaving over 12 hours ago! I’m not there for long though because with a quick swipe of lipstick I’m off again. I go to campus events with my friends or even have an evening in with myself. My recent Fridays consisted of movies with my friends, treating myself to watching Downton Abbey and painting my nails, and playing poker. No matter what, I make a conscious effort to put aside the books and celebrate the end of the week.
My bed time varies on Friday depending on what type of fun the evening consists of. Usually it’s sometime between 10:30pm and midnight. Regardless, come 6:20am the next day I’m up and ready to get it all going again 🙂
What does a typical day look like for you?
I wish I was as scheduled as you! I always aim to get up early but can never find the motivation in the end! I admire your motivation and eagerness to learn!
I get up at 9AM, read the paper and then It is time for the news.
12 noon. Watch the news for 1 hour.
1pm. Watch a cowboy movie for 1 1/2 hours.
2:30 pm. Nap time until 5:30.
5:30 supper.
6:00 until 7:00 watch local and national news.
7:00 pm watch more TV until 11:30.
11:30 go to bed to rest up for another grueling day
Thank you Steph! Maybe you just need to find something to wake you up? Perhaps knowing that you'll have time for a full breakfast or a cup of coffee can get you moving!
Wow what hard work! That's totally crazy! How do you bare it?