It has been far too long since I’ve posted about organization! Today I want talk about digital organization: your bookmarks. Often as I am browsing the web I stumble upon articles and resources that I want to save for later and bookmark them. It doesn’t take long to amass a good amount of bookmarks that can get out of control causing me to spend more time looking for what I want to refer to than actually reading it. So, I’ve come up with a method to organize bookmarks to allow you to find exactly what you’re looking for with ease.
Identify what you’re bookmarking. By taking a look at the sort of sites and articles you bookmark, you can come up with categories to sort them into. For example, I mostly have bookmarks related to blogging, my classes, career advice, and CA (community advisor, known as RAs at other colleges) stuff.
These are the basics for keeping your bookmarks clean and easy to navigate. How do you keep your bookmarks in order?
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