There is no doubt that having something or someone you can turn to when you need to lift your mood can be infinitely valuable. Whether it’s a book, music, friend, movie, parent, etc we all have something that will add happiness to our lives when we need it most. But how do we identify what that “thing” is?
- When have you let the world slip away? Think back to a time when your mind was completely removed from the world. Were you focused on playing an instrument? Were you enthralled with an interesting documentary? Were you walking in gardens?
- When did you feel unabashed happiness? A time when you couldn’t wipe the smile off your face (and frankly didn’t want to). When you felt your heart soar or were bubbling with excitement.
While trying to come up with a few examples that fit this criteria, remember that we’re searching for something that can easily be experienced in your everyday life. I, for one, feel great happiness when walking into a Disney park, however that is a rather expensive and impractical mood booster! Rather, think of a favorite novel that you could read a chapter of when feeling down or an album you adore that you could listen to a few songs from. Perhaps if nothing else speaks to you in quite the same way (sort of like me with Disney) you can keep photographs handy to remind you of the great time you had and recall that feeling.
My no fail mood booster is watching nearly anything Bollywood. All I have to do is look at a favorite music video and I start dancing in my seat and feeling supremely happy! For me, there is nothing like dancing around my room to my favorite Bollywood songs to instantly make me ready to take on the world.
What is your mood booster? Are you lucky enough to have more than one?
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